Mobile Experience Network
Handheld tools for creative people

International symposium on Mobile Creativity



15.-16. June 2005



journal day 1
journal day 2

Prof. Russel Beal PhD, Advanced Interaction Group, University of Birmingham
Russel Beal leads the Advanced Interaction Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, a loosely coupled cluster of people interested in HCI and related issues. His research focus is on using intelligence to support user interaction. This takes two forms – the use of artificial intelligence techniques in interactive systems, and better design based on analysing and modelling the user and their interactions with the system. Coupling a.i. with a clearer understanding of the user and their skills and limitations allows us to design more effective systems.

Title: Mobiles for social interaction
Abstract: Mobile devices can be used to aid social interaction in numerous ways, and in this talk I'll discuss a few systems we have developed that investigate a number of different issues, and look at some of the consequences of such new technologies.

Jorn Ebner, media artist, Newcastle
Jorn Ebner (*1966 in Bremerhaven), Bildender Künstler, lebt / arbeitet in Newcastle-upon-Tyne und Berlin. Studierte Literatur an der Universität Hamburg und Freie Kunst am Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, London. War zuletzt Research Fellow an der Kunsthochschule der University of Newcastle mit einem 3jährigen Förderstipendium des britischen Arts & Humanities Research Board. Ebner ist zudem Englandkorrespondent der österreichischen Kunstzeitschrift Springerin, und veröffentlicht regelmäßige Artikel zu Kunst, Design und Architektur in FAZ, NZZ und anderen.

Christian Hauck, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz
Christian Hauck is a Senior Software Engineer in the Intelligent
User Interface Lab of the DFKI. After years of experience in
computer supported co-operative work (CSCW) acquired in commercial
R&D projects as well as in EC-fundet projects, he focused on
applications for mobile users.
As a consultant of the UMTS Doit project sponsored by the Ministry
of Economic Affairs and the Deutsche Telekom AG he advises SMEs in
the field of mobile applications and develops concepts, technologies
and business models for mobile applications based on GPRS, UMTS and
Wireless LAN. In addition to that he leads the Saarland Unwired
project, sponsored by the same sources. This project focuses on the
implementation and expansion of applications and use of Wireless LAN
in broad user classes.

"Saarland Unwired - A Pilot Project to Learn from Mobile Users"
The Saarland Unwired project tries to establish a regional, county-wide mobile Internet offering for wide classes of population that should be financially profitable after the sponored pilot phase.
To address the widest possible range of users, concepts were
developed for hotspot-clusters, public travel services, mobile
hotspots for big public events (sports, culture, tourism, ...)
as well as future-relevant technologies for mobile communities
and location dependent services. In the run of the project
experiences will be gained about the attractivity- and barrier-
factors like security, anonymity, price, simplicity of use,
attractivity of applications and services etc.
In the presentation a view on the activites, progress and first
experiences will be given.

Horst Hoertner, Ars Elektronica Center, Linz

Stefan Holtel, Vodafone Group R&D .DE
Stefan Holtel received a degree as a Mathematisch-Technischer Assistent from the Chamber of Commerce, Cologne, Germany, in the early 90s. He joined courses on different acting methods and finished a trainee programm as a theatre group coach at LAG Reutlingen, Germany, in 1999. Additionally he has been practising hatha yoga since 1996, Zazen since 1998 and achieved a degree as Iyengar Hatha Yoga ( teacher in 2003 at SKA, Bad Wörishofen, Germany.
In 2000 he joined Vodafone Pilotentwicklung, the German site of the global Vodafone Global R&D ( For the latter he identifies future technical, societal, and political trends, forages for disruptive technologies and creates business opportunities. His special regards are exploring methods, tools, and processes for the creation of next generation mobile services. His main focus comprises visioneering and managing trials and demonstrations with unprecedented mobile services in multi-partner project environments.

Title: “A service is a service is a service: Rethink the service term in future communication applications”

Voice was the backbone of telecoms services since its inauguration in 1876. But this 19th century telecoms concept of Graham Bell will be insufficient to fulfill future requirements. We perceive a need for its fundamental overhaul: Disruptive technologies will enable unprecedented ideas, communication services will become groundbreaking different from today. Hithero acknowledged definitions of the term service must be ousted. Without understanding the very nature of communication services, the telecoms industry will proceed to walk a track of trial and error. Vodafone Global Group R&D has started an effort to rethink the term service according to the needs of future communication service creation. Its definition is poised to become a superset definition of those definitions already in place. This definition might serve for the future of a comprehensive understanding how to create successful telecoms services: it enables to reclassify yet-accepted service categories, it suports to identify new unprecedented business opportunities, and it is poised to exploit those chances for a huge market penetration.

Prof. KP Ludwig John, xinober, univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
received a diploma “Kunst, Media & Technologie”, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (1991) and graduated as Meisterschüler at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (1992).
Between 1993 and 1995 has been teaching at the media arts dept. there.
He has founded and organized the MedienbiennaleLeipzig 1992 and 1994.
From 1995 on he lives and works in Munich and Augsburg.
Member of "Die Veteranen".
For his interactive art work see
Between 1999 and 2002 he was a board member at Medienforum München.
S ince 1998 KP Ludwig John is Prof. for interactive media design
at university of applied sciences Augsburg and established the research focus „mobile experience. He is also Co-founder of

Reiner Kerl,

Horst Konietzny, xinober, univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
Regisseur und Dramaturg lebt in München. Inszenierungen in den Grenzbereichen von Musik, bildender Kunst und Theater. Realisation von Kunstprojekten im öffentlichen Raum. Arbeiten zum Thema kultureller Stadtentwicklung. Lehre und Projektentwicklung in Bezug auf die performativen Aspekte der "neuen Kommunikationstechnologien" . Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf der Beschäftigung mit mobilen Medien und der Entwicklung  von Formen interaktiver Dramaturgie.
Mitgründer von XINOBER

Director, dramaturg, and curator, lives in Munich. Productions on the borders of music, visual arts and theatre. Realization of art projects in public space, festivals and projects on the themes of cultural state development. Works on the theatrical aspects of the internet and the development of forms of interactive dramaturgy, teaching in this area. Co-founder of XINOBER

Spatial Turn and Mobile Media
Nach dem Boom des Virtuellen und den damit verbundenen Überlegungen zum Bedeutungsverlust physischer Orte in den 90ern spricht man heute verstärkt von einem "Spatial Turn". In dieser Rückbesinnung aufs Leibhaftige spielen auch Mobile Medien als Raumerschließungswerkzeuge eine Rolle. Sie sind Wegweiser, die ihre Nutzer aus dem Cyberland in die Wirklichkeit realer Räume führen. Sie helfen, die in den Räumen geschichtete Zeit erlebbar zu machen und bergen Möglichkeiten Orte in ihren mannigfaltigen Bedeutungen lesbar und kommunizierbar zu machen.

Dr. Katja Kwastek (Ludwig Maximilian Universität München)
Katja Kwastek studierte Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte, Archäologie und Soziologie in Münster, Köln, Bonn und Florenz. 1996-2001 war sie im Rahmen von Werkverträgen bei den Museen der Stadt Köln u. a. an der Konzeption eines computergestützten Informationssystems für das Wallraf-Richartz Museum beteiligt. 2000 promovierte sie an der Universität zu Köln zu einem Thema der italienischen Renaissance , seit 2001 ist sie Assistentin am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der LMU München mit dem Schwerpunkt computergestützte Kunstgeschichte und Medienkunst. Neben zahlreichen weiteren Projekten, u. a. Workshops zur Dokumentation zeitgenössischer Kunst und Koordinationstätigkeit im E-Learning-Projekt „Schule des Sehens“, kuratierte sie die Ausstellung „Ohne Schnur – Kunst und drahtlose Kommunikation“, die im April 2004 im Cuxhavener Kunstverein gezeigt wurde. Habilitationsprojekt zur Ästhetik der Interaktivität in der Medienkunst.

Titel des Vortrages:
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum – vom physikalischen zum Datenraum?

 In diesem Vortrag soll anhand von Fallbeispielen untersucht werden, wie Medienkünstler den öffentlichen Raum neu interpretieren und die immer stärkere Überlagerung des physikalischen Raumes durch den Datenraum thematisieren. Während Künstler wie Stefan Schemat und Teri Rueb dem physikalischen Raum GPS-gesteuerte Datennetze "überwerfen" und ihm somit neue Bedeutungsebenen verleihen, beschäftigen sich andere Künstler wie die Künstlergruppe CNTRCPY oder Igor Stromajer mit der Verlagerung menschlicher Aktivitäten und sozialer Netze in den Datenraum, der die Mobilgeräte der Nutzer als flottierende Fixpunkte dienen.

Yehlin Lee, sound artist
Born in Taiwan, Yehlin Lee has been active in new music scene in Taiwan since 2001. As a master degree holder in electronics of National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, he experimented in various ways to create sound. He built his binaural microphone, with which he made spatial soundscape recordings, and he developed his patches using Max/MSP software to make his electroacoustic music compositions. In 2002, he joined Taipei Sound Unit, a free-form sound-art collective united by prominent Chinese sound artist Dajuin Yao. He develops his music through extracting the internal energy contained in sound material, and cross-translates the metaphor within. His concept of soundscape work concerns the LIFE where people live, but the neglected moment and places.
Since September 2004, he entered the DEA ATIAM program of IRCAM. In Feb 2005, he worked and learned from French composer Jean-Claude Eloy, and developed a performance environment in Max/MSP. He also works as the official translator of Max/MSP tutorials for Cycling `74.

Dr. Rainer Malaka, European Media Lab, Heidelberg
Rainer Malaka started work at the European Media Laboratory in 1997. He initiated and leads the Personal Memory research group that works on projects dealing with mobile assistance systems, language understanding, geographical information systems, and computer vision.
He currently manages research projects that are conducted in cooperation with various national and international institutes and companies.
He initiated the workshop series AIMS (AI in Mobile Systems), is member of the PC of the Intelligent User Interface Conference.
Dr. Malaka is also lecturer at the University of Heidelberg.

Intelligente Mobile Medien
Mobile IT Systeme bieten neue Möglichkeiten der Interaktion. Intelligente digitale Assistenten lassen sich intuitiv per Sprache oder Mausklick bedienen und können ihre Nutzer zum Beispiel zu Sehenswürdigkeiten führen und dort über diese berichten. Soche Systeme erlauben es auch, die Realität zu erweiter, indem historische Ansichten oder virtuelle Personen Wissen vermitteln,
das so nicht über klassische Medien verfügbar wäre. Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte des EML, bei denen mobile Assistenzsysteme für verschiedene Anwendungen entwickelt werden.

Kristijan Mihalic, ICT&S, Unversity of Salzburg

Context in Mobile Devices and Services
The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous computing introduces new forms
of devices and novel ways of interaction. The goal is to create systems
that are pervasively and unobtrusively embedded in the environment,
completely connected, intuitive, effortlessly portable, and constantly
available. It is obvious that in such an environment the context of
usage plays a major role. By improving the contextuality of
computational devices the richness of communication in human-computer
interaction is increased, thus providing added value services and
reducing usability problems.
The presentation gives insight into the importance of context for mobile
services and describes the work being done within the scope of the
project COMODO.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist, univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
Thomas Rist studied computer science and mathematics at the University of the Saarland and holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science.
In 1988 he joined the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) where he conducted research in the area of intelligent user interfaces, knowledge-based computer graphics, animated conversational characters, and information services for mobile users. He has been active as a researcher, co-ordinator, and site-manager in various research projects. Among other projects, he was involved in the development of the WIP system
(Knowledge-Based Information Presentation) which was honoured as an ITEA winner (Information Technology European Awards) in 1995.
In 1996 he was appointed as co-ordinator of the EU-funded project Magic Lounge (1996-2000) which conducted research on collaborative mobile systems. In follow-up projects his research focus was on mobility-related
topics, such as the automatic adaptation of visual information displays for tiny screens, and the development of location-aware multimedia services for mobile users. In 2004 he was appointed as a professor of computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. In addition, he has been member of numerous committees of national and international conferences, working groups, and network boards. Among other involvements, he is currently responsible for the Mobility Services chapter of CONVIVO - a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission.

Dr. Patrick Robertson, German Aerospace Center DLR
Patrick Robertson was born in Edinburgh, in 1966. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Munich, in 1989 and a Ph.D. from the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich, in 1995. Since 1990 he has been working at the Institute for Communications Technology at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. From 1990 to 1993 he shared this position with a part time teaching post at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich. He has been active in the fields of mobile packet transmission, digital terrestrial television (DVB-T), and digital communications networks, and since January 1999 he is acting as leader of the research group "Broadband Systems". Since 2000 he is has been acting as project manager of the national German Project “Heywow” and contributed to the definition of the Heywow architecture for mobile services across heterogeneous networks. Dr. Robertson's has published numerous scientific papers and holds several international patents in the areas of communications networks, mobile service discovery, indoor navigation, and systems for travel and tourist applications on wireless information devices.

The presentation will give a brief overview of the European integrated project "Daidalos", which has brough together around 50 partners working in the area of new mobile network services and systems. Daidalos is following a
"scenario driven approach", and our scenarios - "Mobile University" and "Automotive" - will be the main focus of the short talk. The scenarios expore how users will interact with a pervasively networked world, roaming
naturally between different devices and appropriately configured services. Finally, we will touch on some of the pressing issues at hand, such as new ways to ensure users' privacy and anonymity yet allowing full access to
situation aware services.

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck, FHWT Berlin
Jürgen Sieck received his degree in mathematics in 1981 and his PhD in computer science in 1989 from the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Between 1989 and 1994 he worked in two research institutes, “Zentralinstitut für Kybernetik und Informationsprozesse” and “Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik”. He was involved in different research projects focusing on multimedia and computer graphics. Since 1994 Jürgen Sieck is a professor of computer science at FHTW Berlin. Jürgen Sieck was guest professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, visiting professor at the Old Dominion University Norfolk/USA und at the ICSI in Berkeley/USA.
His research interests are in multimedia, computer graphics, virtual reality and wireless communication. He is currently working on several research projects, “FAMULUS - construction of a Wireless-LAN for the facility management and multimedia education”, “eTrain – techniques for the development of interactive multimedia teaching courses” and “IKAROS - information and communication with mobile devices”.
In 1998, he received the Otto von Guericke-Preis of the AIF, the German federal foundation of industrial research and development, for a system with 3D-visualisation and presentation of construction projects. In 2002, Jürgen Sieck was Kollegiat of the Alcatel-SEL foundation.

Titel: Information and Learning with Mobile Electronic Devices
The development of mobile information and communication devices during the last 25 years is characterised through continually new devices. These many technical developments raise the question of new applications and application areas. It is important for the accepting of new technologies, that new applications create additional value, use the advantages of basic technologies and are adapted to the needs of the user.
Firstly, an information system for mobile end devices shall be presented from the mass of mobile applications, which not only analyses the device characteristics and considers these for the information supply, but also determines the up-to-date position of the mobile devices/the user, and uses it for the information selection.
Secondly, an m-learning-application shall be introduced. It enables the use of teaching materials that have been edited with the help of mobile devices and gives the opportunity to learn independently from university or home desk.

Prof. Dr. Georg Schneider, FH Trier
Georg Schneider studied Computer Science and Econnomics at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, where he received his Diploma degree in 1995. During his studies, he has been working at the Intelligent User Interfaces Department of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Afterwards he joined the Siemens Telecooperation Center. In 1999 he received his PhD in Computer Science form the Saarland University. In the same year he moved to the USA, where he has been working for the Multimedia Department of Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, New Jersey.
Since 2001 he is a full Professor for Multimedia at the University of Applied Sciences in Trier. His main research focus are mobile and ubiquitous applications. He is member of different program and steering committees in the field of Mobile Computing. He has realized a location based outdoor guide for the State Garden Show 2004 in Trier. Furthermore he is working with Siemens Mobile on an Infrastructure for advanced Mobile Applications.

Nathalie Singer, Deutschlandradio Kultur Wurfsendung
Nathalie Singer, born 1969, in Munich (Germany) is sound artist, director and producer. She studied musicology, sciences of communication and psychology at the Universities of Berlin and Paris. In 1995 she completed her masters in Berlin on modern music and sound art. Beside her scientific work, she studied electro-acoustic composition at the GRM in Paris and with Beatriz Ferreyra. Since 1997 she works as author, director and producer for different German and French radio stations (e.g., SFB, BR, DLRB, WDR, Radio France), as composer for radio drama, theatre and movie as well as a scientific writer on sound art and modern music.
Among her radio productions are „Brecht Zap ‘98“, DLR Berlin 1998 with music von Fred Frith; “Vagabund Claude Vivier”, WDR, 2000; “Tiefenrausch”, SFB & ORB, 2002. In 2000, she worked as production assistant for the ARTE-movie “Mon Cinema pour l’ Oreille“ from Uli Aumüller. She organized several sound art festivals such as Inventionen 1996/1998 as well as composition classes for children and adults (“Cybersongosse”, Academy of Arts, Berlin). She founded the Sonic Arts Lounge in Berlin in 2003. Since beginning of 2002 she is editor at the Deutschland Radio Berlin (Hörspielwerkstatt/Klangkunst 2002; Freispiel, 2003; Wurfsendung, 2004). Lately she introduced a new mini radio drama format, the „Circulars“ into the program of ‘Deutschlandradio Kultur’ witch got very positive press resonance.

Klaus Treuheit, Pianist, Komponist und Improvisator
trat ab Ende der 70er im Jazzidiom in Erscheinung. Seither Produktion seiner Kompositionen für den Rundfunk (u.a. BR). Zahlreiche Tonträger sowohl als Solist als auch mit seinen Ensembles.
Er verfasste Bühnen- und Filmmusik, auch für Aki Kaurismäki. Konzertierte u.a. in Italien, Spanien, Frankreich und in New York (mit Ed Ware und Hal Onserut). Leitet seit 1995 ein CD-Label. 1998 veröffentlichte er dort "Inquisitorien" für präpariertes Piano. Es gelang ihm damit Verbindungen nach England, Italien, Frankreich und Japan aufzubauen.
Weitere wichtige Werke sind: "3 in I" (KTMP 2001) sowie "Madrigali, 1°libro" (KTMP 2003) und "investigation routine" (KTMP 2004).

Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi, Univ. Salzburg, mobile usability

Steffen P. Walz, ETH Zürich, Pervasive games
Steffen P. Walz (M.A.) promoviert über Serious Pervasive Games an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich, Professur für Computer Aided Architectural Design. Walz ist Co-Gründer des B.A.-Studienganges Game Design der HGK Zürich, spricht und veröffentlicht international über Game Design-Themen und entwickelt seit 2000 mit seiner Consulting-Firma playbe für Agenturen, Unternehmen und Institutionen konvergente Medien- und Unterhaltungskonzepte.

Serious Pervasive Games: Vom Spass zum Ernst und zurück
Pervasive Games integrieren Game Design-Herangehensweisen mit neu entstehenden sowie vorhandenen mobilen und kabellosen Sensor- und Interfacetechnologien wie z.B. Biofeedback. Auf diese Weise verwandeln wir die physikalische Welt in ein Spielbrett, welches wir mit Hilfe von allgegenwärtigen (integrierten) Computern intensiv erleben. Das Potential dieses technologischen Konzeptes liegt darin, dass es intrinsisch motivierend Alltagsverhalten und -aktivitäten verändert, unterstützt und ergänzt. Daher eignen sich bestimmte pervasive Spiele besonders für "ernste" Zwecke, die nicht nur der Unterhaltung dienen. Im Vortrag werden exemplarisch eigene Projekte und Projekte Dritter aus den Bereichen Lernen, Sicherheit / Militär und Architektur vorgestellt.
