Kathrin Demmler
JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis in München
Studium des Lehramtes an Grundschulen an der Universität Augsburg,
seit 1999 medienpädagogische Referentin mit dem Schwerpunkt Multimedia am JFF.
Schwerpunkte: Medienarbeit mit Kindern, Neue Medien und Internet, Vernetzung
Aktuelle Veröffentlichung: Anfang, G./ Demmler, K./ Ertelt, J./ Schmidt, U. (Hrsg.) (2006): Handy - Eine Herausforderung für die Pädagogik. München. kopaed
Prof. Frank Eckardt
Bauhaus Uni Weimar
ist Juniorprofessor für Soziologie an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Seit 2005 koordiniert er das internationale Forschungsprojekt "Mediacity", in dem die Auswirkungen neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf die Stadt untersucht werden.
Letzte Buchpublikation: Soziologie der Stadt. Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag.
Sonja Groening
University of Applied Science Bremen
studied computer science at the University of Bremen with focus on formal methods in software development.
Since summer 2005 she works as a research assistant in the research project Gangs of Bremen.
Her workscope is software development and therefore she is responsible for the practical realisation of the game 'On the Streets'.
Prof. KP Ludwig John
xinober / univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
studied photography at the, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (D)
and kunst & media technologie at the Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (NL).
His media arts productions received several awards (Nagoya Biennale, Ars electronica Linz, Biennale film+arc Graz)
Since 1998 he teaches as Prof. for design of interactive media at the university of applied sciences Augsburg with his main focus on
mobile experience projects.
He is co-founder and member of xinober.de
Horst Konietzny
xinober / univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
Director, dramaturg, and curator, lives in Munich. Productions on the borders of music, visual arts and theatre. Realization of art projects in public space, festivals and projects on the themes of cultural state development. Works on the theatrical aspects of the internet and the development of forms of interactive dramaturgy, teaching in this area.
Co-founder of XINOBER
Karin Leichtenstern
Uni Augsburg
studied media informatics at the University of Munich with focus on mobile interaction using mobile phones.
Since summer 2006 she is working as research assistant at the department of Computer Science at the University of Augsburg.
Her current work is concentrating on using mobile phones as input and
interaction device in multi user applications. It is researched if using mobile phones might increase social collaboration.
Philipp Lehmkuhl
Wall AG
Miriam Oks
University of Applied Science Bremen
studied technical computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund.
Now she is working on her PhD thesis within the research project Gangs of Bremen at the University of Applied Science in Bremen.
Her PhD subject is suspense in mobile games.
She works and publishes on subjects like mobile gaming, user experience themes in HCI and evaluation methods for mobile applications looked at as time based processes.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist
univ. of applied sciences Augsburg
Thomas Rist studied computer science and mathematics at the University of the Saarland and holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science.
In 1988 he joined the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) where he conducted research in the area of intelligent user interfaces, knowledge-based computer graphics, animated conversational characters, and information services for mobile users.
In 1996 he was appointed as co-ordinator of the EU-funded project Magic Lounge (1996-2000) which conducted research on collaborative mobile systems. In follow-up projects his research focus was on mobility-related topics, such as the automatic adaptation of visual information displays for tiny screens, and the development of location-aware multimedia services for mobile users. In 2004 he was appointed as a professor of computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. In addition, he has been member of numerous committees of national and international conferences, working groups, and network boards. Among other involvements, he is currently responsible for the Mobility Services chapter of CONVIVO - a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission.
Anette Schäfer
Trampoline / Radiator Festival for New Technology Arts
Berlin / Nottingham
studied theatre & film studies and philosophy at the Freie University Berlin.
Since 1998 she is co-director of Trampoline - Platform for New Media Art and the Radiator Festival for New Technology Arts, Nottingham and Berlin.
The recent programme First Play Berlin, curated by Anette Schäfer and Miles Chalcraft, featured international artists working with new technology and performance using locative media within urban spaces.
Elke Stolzenburg
JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis in München
Studium der Diplom-Pädagogik an der FU Berlin;
seit 1991 medienpädagogische Referentin am JFF mit dem Schwerpunkt Medienarbeit mit Mädchen.
Schwerpunkte: Projektleitung D-A-S-H für Vernetzung - gegen Ausgrenzung; Koordination der Jugendradiosendungen Störfunk (München) und Free Spirit (Nürnberg); Gesamtkoordination "In eigener Regie",
Verantwortlich für den Förderbereich "In eigener Regie Audio".
Mirjam Struppek
graduated in urban- and environmental planning and works as
researcher and consultant in Berlin.
She has lectured and published essays
with a special focus on the livability of urban space, public sphere and its
transformation and acquisition through interactive media. In this context
she developed in 2002 the information-plattform interactionfield.de.
2005 she is working on the concept of Urban Screens about "discovering
outdoor screens for a sustainable urban society".
Steffen P. Walz
ETH Zürich
studierte Sozial-Anthropologie in Tübingen (M.A.) und ist derzeit Doktorand an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule ETH Zürich, Departement Architektur. Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD).
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Serious (pervasive) game design theory and practice; Convergent media entertainment; Game-based learning; Wireless, mobile, biofeedback application design and prototyping; Sociologies/architectures of surveillance, tracking, monitoring, control, and resistance; Ethnographic and participatory interactive system design;History of entertainment architectures.
Steffen P. Walz wirkt als Game Designer und Consultant an der Entwicklung des mobilen Stadtspiels REXplorer mit.
Dietmar Wiedeman
Uni Augsburg
Dietmar Georg Wiedemann is research and teaching assistant at mobile commerce working group (wi-mobile) at the Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering at the University of Augsburg since 2003. His main research focus are success factors of mobile marketing (study series MM1-MM4), acceptance of mobile payment (study series MP1-MP4) and the development of B2C mobile commerce business models. Further on, he works on several projects of wi-mobile. During his business administration studies he was consultant for small and medium sized enterprises developing marketing strategies. Since 2004 he is chairman of the Supervisory Board of the aubergemédiale AG, whose main tasks are in the development of concepts, consulting and project realizations in different subareas of mobile commerce and electronic commerce.
christoph ziegler
studied architecture at the univerity of applied sciences in augsburg.
A fter working for coop himmelb(l)au_vienna, asymptote architecture_new york
and yes architecture_munich he founded his own office mehrwert[ag].
the main focus of his work is the research of "unexpected values in
architecture". the question of surpluses in architecture such as functional, urban, ecological, technological, soziological and also surpluses through utopies or generated knowledge influences his architectural output.